miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Día da Terra (confinada)

Hoxe 22 de Abril, celébrase o 50 aniversario do Día Mundial da Terra, desde que as Nacións Unidas adicara este día a este efemeride. Non sei se debemos celebrar algo a día de hoxe, día no que tamén marchou un compoñente fundamental de Les Luthiers, Marcos Mundstock.

Ser é un sen sentido: desprotexer ao que nos protexe! e así estamos. Este ano céntrase no valor da Biodiversidade, agora que sabemos que a relación entre animais salvaxes, virus e humanos é máis estreita canto máis destruimos os ecosistemas, solo agardo que cando poidamos de novo estar libres nas rúas, e cando poidamos retomar na nosa vida certa normalidade, non caia no esquecemento o tempo de medo e sufrimento que esta pandemia causou, e lembremos o mundo no que queremos vivir, todxs sen excepción, políticxs e sanitarixs, nenxs e maiores, educadorxs e transportistas, todxs, aínda que uns con máis responsabilidade nas tomas de decisións. 

Deixo este vídeo que a Axencia Espacial Europea creou para este día, cunha mensaxe de Stephen Hawking, onde clama que o tempo de actuar é agora. Non perdamos a esperanza.

“I am very aware of the preciousness of time. Seize the moment. Act now. 

“I have spent my life travelling across the Universe inside my mind. Through theoretical physics I have sought to answer some of the great questions but there are other challenges, other big questions which must be answered, and these will also need a new generation who are interested, engaged and with an understanding of science. 

“How will we feed an ever-growing population, provide clean water, generate renewable energy, prevent and cure disease and slow down global climate change? 

“I hope that science and technology will provide the answers to these questions, but it will take people, human beings with knowledge and understanding to implement the solution. 

“One of the great revelations of the space age has been a perspective that has given humanity on ourselves. When we see the Earth from space we see ourselves as a whole; we see the unity and not the divisions. It is such a simple image, with a compelling message: one planet, one human race. 

“We are here together, and we need to live together with tolerance and respect. We must become global citizens. 

“I have been enormously privileged through my work to be able to contribute to our understanding of the Universe. But it would be an empty Universe indeed, if it were not for the people I love and who love me. 

“We are all time travellers journeying together into the future. But let us work together to make that future a place we want to visit. Be brave, be determined, overcome the odds. It can be done. 

“It can be done.”

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